1. Always be respectful. Respect all instructors equally.
2. Always address coaches or assistant instructors as “coach”.
3. Absolutely no coaching your children or other students during class.
4. You must arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the start of the session to warmup. Athletes who arrive after the completion of the warmup and class introduction will forfeit their class spot. This is to ensure their safety and to minimize class disruptions.
5. Everyone must be in academy uniform to train – no exceptions. (Black shorts or pants with school shirt).
6. Be aware of your appearance. You should be clean and neat. Long hair must be tied back. Keep fingernails and hands clean. Never wear a ripped, torn, or stained uniform.
7. Hand wraps must be washed weekly.
8. Remove all jewelry – you could injure yourself, your teammates, or damage the jewelry.
9. Talking should be kept to a minimum and should relate to the class subject.
10. Phones must be on silent to minimize class distractions.
11. Let your instructor know if you expect a lengthy absence from classes.
12. Always let your instructor know if you are injured or ill.
13. Acknowledge corrections or constructive criticism regardless of age or rank.
14. Sparring is always optional. It is only allowed with instructor approval and with full protective gear (16 oz gloves, hand wraps, cups for men, mouthpiece, and headgear).
15. Never ask your instructor to spar with you, it is extremely disrespectful.
16. Be respectful toward your training partners and be humble.
17. Clean up after yourself and place equipment back where it belongs.